Maintain your smile with money back towards the cost of your routine and restorative dental treatments. Cover starts from only £12.25 a month.
Great reasons to join today
Money back for check-ups
Money back for hygiene treatments
Money back for dental x-rays
Money back towards dental treatments such as fillings, bridges and crowns
Cover for dental injuries and emergency care if your teeth are damaged in an accident or you need urgent treatment
Cover for the whole family is available
Things you need to know
Benefit limits are per person per unit of treatment unless otherwise stated
What's not covered:
Any treatment that is not clinically necessary e.g. cosmetic dentistry
Any dental treatment which was prescribed, planned, diagnosed or is currently taking place at the commencement date
After a 90 day qualifying period, Mouth Cancer cover is provided. Cover will not be provided if you (or anyone under
the policy) have been diagnosed with mouth cancer or are having investigations prior to joining or during the 90 day
qualifying period