Patients' Blog

The Core > Patients' blog

We understand your patients are at the heart of what you do and why you do it, so we have created these pages for them. The articles draw on topics of interest for individuals and families from dental care and oral health to nutritious and inspiring recipes.

Tips and advice for your patients, helping the UK look after oral health: 

Sweets in a bag on the table

The effects of sugar on children’s teeth


Dr Suril Amin, at Gentle Dental Care surgery, explains how sugar can damage your teeth, and why we should be thinking about cutting quantity as well as frequency.

Child brushing her teeth before going to school

Top oral health tips for your child's school term


Dr Catherine Rutland offers her top oral health tips to help families plan for a tooth-happy school term, including friendly lunches and when to brush. 

Mother and child brushing teeth together and smiling

How to get children brushing their teeth: 8 to 12 year olds


We look at ways to get now independent ‘tweens’, aged between 8 and 12, to brush their teeth effectively. 

Toddler and mum learning to brush their teeth

How to get children brushing their teeth: Toddlers


How can you make your life, and your toddler’s life, a little bit easier when it comes to brushing? Catherine Rutland offers some top tips to tackle tricky toddlers.

Pot of toothbrushes

Top 10 oral health tips


To celebrate World Oral Health Day 2019, we've produced our top 10 tips to help you look after your teeth and gums. 

Sugar cubes representing the Sugar Tax

The Sugar Tax one year on


How does the nation feel about the sugar tax one year on and has it affected our buying behaviour? We explore.

Computer and mouse icon

More articles, insight, and opinion from the dental world...