Green Dentistry: a practical guide -

Part 1

Denplan’s Head Dental Officer Louis Mackenzie provides Denplan practice teams with an overview of the challenges and opportunities for practising sustainable dentistry in the pandemic era. 


Published: 26/7/22

By Denplan Practice Team

As the pandemic-induced PPE mountain continues to grow, health workers are increasingly recognising the need to provide care in a sustainable manner, minimising the impact on natural resources.1-5 At home, Denplan practice teams will have made significant eco-friendly adaptations over many years. However, incorporating these changes in the work environment presents a range of challenges, made more difficult by COVID-19 conditions.


Sustainability in general dental practice

Sustainability is concerned with the sensible and responsible use of natural resources, to avoid depletion beyond the planet’s ability to regenerate/replenish itself. Maintaining this ecological balance often uses the reduce, reuse, recycle model.

Sustainability can also have a powerful influence on patient choices. 67% of consumers are reported make decisions based on environmental factors (Global consumer trends survey 2022), therefore informing patients of sustainable practice innovations will build trust and make dental business brands increasingly popular.

While sustainability is not specifically mentioned in the GDC standards, many Denplan teams are already using a variety of methods to increase awareness of the environmental impact of dental care amongst staff, patients, other professionals and local communities, including:1-5

  • Developing a practice sustainability policy
  • Using online resources and educational posters to communicate the ‘green’ vision to patients and staff
  • Measuring and evaluating sustainability improvements
  • Incorporating sustainability education in staff induction and training processes
  • Calculating and disseminating information on the environmental (and financial) benefits of sustainable practice.


Climate change

The Earth’s climate has changed many times, going through multiple ice ages and periods when temperatures were higher than they are today. Historically, average temperature changes in the Earth’s air and oceans happened over hundreds of thousands of years. The more rapid recent global warming trend is believed to result from human activity and there is concern that the rate of increase means that some organisms may not be able to survive.  


The greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect happens when certain gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide, and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) collect in Earth’s atmosphere creating an insulating layer that keeps the climate comfortable. The current global average temperature is 15 °C; without greenhouse gases it would drop to −18 °C, causing most life forms to freeze.

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution (~ 1750), human activities have increased the greenhouse effect. Emissions of carbon dioxide, the most important greenhouse gas, have increased by 80% between 1970 and 2004. The main examples of human activities that generate greenhouse gases are:

  • Combustion of fossil fuels, principally coal, petroleum (including oil) and natural gas
  • Deforestation (living trees absorb carbon dioxide)
  • Incineration of waste products.
The Greenhouse Effect infographic


In 2019, the UK became the world’s first major economy to legislate a binding net zero emissions target by 2050. Britain already incinerates its municipal waste at a lower rate than the rest of Europe, averaging 10% compared to 17.3%.

Medical waste disposal presents greater challenges. Across Europe up to about 25% of medical waste is incinerated, releasing greenhouse gases as well as toxic substances such as dioxin compounds which are serious and persistent environmental pollutants.


Carbon footprint

The term carbon footprint refers to the total greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual, event, organisation, service, place or product, expressed as a carbon dioxide equivalent.5

The NHS has announced a vision to be net zero by 2040. This will include dentistry, which accounts for 3% of the total health service carbon footprint.5

Although difficult to measure precisely, the components making up the carbon footprint for dentistry have been estimated.

Breakdown of the annual carbon footprint for dental services (England)
Patient travel 31.1%

Staff commuting

Procurement 19%
Electricity 7.7%
Gas 7.6%
Work travel (Staff) 3.1%
Nitrous oxide release 0.9%
Waste 0.2%
Water 0.1%



More than 20% of global carbon dioxide is generated by transportation. Vehicle exhausts also cause air pollution e.g. carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide, which is reported to result in 40,000 UK deaths annually.

As the majority of dental appointments are short and have comparatively few material/equipment costs, patient and staff travel accounts for a massive 61.4% of dentistry’s total carbon footprint.5

UK dental care statistics 

Average dental patient return journey

7.57 miles
Average staff return journey 7.26 miles
Examinations/scale & polish/fluoride varnish and radiographs as a percentage of all procedures (adults & children) 73%
Examinations as a percentage of all procedures (adults & children) 41%
Replacement restorations as a percentage of all operative treatments >50%
Average dental appointment duration 15 minutes
Annual number of radiographs 14 million
Relative carbon footprint of the most common dental procedures
Examination 27.1%
Scale and polish 13.4%
Amalgam filling 9.7%
Composite filling  9.5%
Acrylic dentures 8.6%
Radiographs 6.4%
Extractions 3.5%

Non-precious metal crowns (the type most frequently prescribed)

Endodontics 2.9%
Study models 1.6%
Patient having dental examination

Examinations are the most common dental procedure. Patient and staff travel accounts for 61.4% of dentistry’s total carbon footprint.

Compared to a totally NHS practice, a mixed or fully private Denplan practice will see approximately 50% fewer patients daily, resulting in a significantly lower the carbon footprint.

As transport is the primary contributor to dentistry’s greenhouse gas emissions, a range of methods have been proposed to limit patient and staff travel.4,5 The main proposals fit well with the preventive, minimally invasive focus of contemporary Denplan practices, where patients are empowered to take an active role in managing their own health and wellbeing. 

Methods of reducing the environmental impact of patient and staff travel 

Oral healthcare

  • Oral health promotion / disease prevention
  • Minimum intervention dentistry (reduce the amount of dental treatment)
  • Minimally invasive dentistry preserves healthy natural tissues and smaller interventions last longer
  • Focussing on renovation and repair increases the functional longevity of dental restorations
  • High-quality restorations have greater longevity
  • Reduced recall frequency (based on risk assessment)
  • Identification and elimination of co-morbidity factors e.g. dietary analysis, smoking cessation
  • Holistic patient care promotes the early detection and diagnosis of systemic diseases, reducing the future burden on wider healthcare services 
Appointment scheduling
  • Efficient screening / use of virtual consultations
  • Maximise chair occupancy (business efficiency as well as energy e.g. heating)
  • Complete multiple treatments at one appointment where possible
  • Combine dentist and hygienist appointments
  • Book family appointments together
  • Minimise failed appointments e.g. using text alerts
  • Optimising staff work patterns will maximise productivity and reduce the risk of work-related stress disorders e.g. ≤ four clinical days/week
  • Display walking/cycle/bus routes on practice websites
  • Car sharing/public transport for staff
  • Encourage active travel e.g. pedometers for walking to work
  • Install secure cycle parking
  • Register for the government’s cycle to work scheme (allows tax-free bicycle purchase)
  • Install shower/locker facilities
  • Install electric vehicle charging points
  • Digital impressions and in-practice milling or technicians eliminate the need for transport to and from laboratories
  • On-site specialists will further reduce the need for patient travel


Sustainable healthcare is a well-researched subject and there is a range of evidence-based publications that focus specifically on dentistry:

  1. Duane. B et al. Environmental sustainability and waste within the dental practice. BDJ Team. 2019
  2. Duane. B et al. Environmental sustainability and procurement: purchasing products for the dental setting. BDJ. Volume 26 No.6: March 2019
  3. Mulligan S. Sustainable oral healthcare and the environment: Challenges. Dental Update 2021; 48: 493-501
  4. Harford S, Ramasubbu D, Duane B, Mortimer F. Sustainable Dentistry: How to Guide for Dental Practices. Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (2018)
  5. Carbon modelling within dentistry: towards a sustainable future. Public Health England and Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (2018)
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