Navigating adventures at the Denplan Cycling Conference

By Lianne Scott-Munden, Clinical Quality and Complaints Risk Manager at Denplan

"A few weeks ago, I represented Denplan at our annual Cycling Conference, connecting with our members and delivering CPD in the stunning scenery of Majorca. These are my reflections from the three days of the conference, each etched in my memory like tyre tracks on the Majorcan roads."

Denplan dentists posing with their bikes in a market square with a church

Embracing the journey

"I began every morning with a mixture of excitement and nervousness ready for the many miles (and hills) ahead of me.

The fear of falling off my bike was all too real, but each day without fail, my nerves soon gave way to determination.

Each ride saw the lush Majorcan countryside unfold before us, a canvas of rolling hills and picturesque landscapes, vibrant greens and oranges from the groves and vineyards."

Denapln dentists celebrating with their bikes held in the air

Camaraderie and nature's challenges

"We conquered mile after mile on the promise of cake and a well-earned lunch break. As we rode we connected with nature, with our bikes and with each other. The camaraderie felt among us whilst pedalling side by side was as refreshing as the air in our lungs.

Throughout the three days the weather teased us. On day two, after quite a climb, we peddled through a storm and we may as well have been cycling with our eyes closed. We made it through the rain and as we wrung out our socks, we laughed through the dampness."

Denplan dentists wearing cycling gear and posing with bikes

Reflecting on resilience and growth

"As our final ride unfolded I found moments for self-reflection on the conference and our profession. During the conference I was privileged to present a session on the Challenges in Dentistry; complaints, the ever-evolving social media landscape, and the delicate balance between work and life.

As the attendees nodded in agreement and shared their experiences, it acted as a reminder that our profession isn’t just about teeth, it’s about resilience, growth, and the pursuit of excellence.  As a profession we are more than practitioners, we are storytellers, problem solvers and advocates for oral health."

To me this event wasn’t just about cycling; it was a chance to recharge our spirits and connect with others in the industry who are facing similar challenges and experiencing the same rewards.

Denplan practice staff at the Christmas Gala Dinner in 2023

Events for everyone

Want to be refreshed, revitalised and armed with good ideas or simply feel more relaxed? Denplan arranges sell-out events for you and your team each year, such as:

  • Ski Conference, 11th - 18th January 2025
  • Christmas Gala Dinners, multiple dates and locations
  • And other favourites such as our popular Dine with Denplan*.

Our events provide the perfect opportunity to meet the friendly Denplan team, earn CPD credits** and engage with like-minded dentists.

*Invite only.

**At specified events.