The Future of Dentistry

Read the extensive white paper

The Core > Company and Industry News > The Future of Dentistry 2021 white paper

Published: 14/4/2021
By Catherine Rutland, Clinical Director

This week sees the publication of Denplan’s white paper on the future of dentistry. This marks the culmination of months of in-depth research into the issues impacting private dentistry. The report includes insights from a survey Denplan conducted with member dentists and wide-ranging discussions between leading oral health experts and dental professionals at Denplan’s virtual roundtable in February.


This extensive report covers a wide range of issues that Denplan wants to highlight and put on the agenda of government, policy makers and the wider dental profession. Using our extensive experience and clinical knowledge, as a leading voice of private dentistry in the UK, the white paper includes discussion of the understanding of private dentistry in government and elsewhere, the impact of Covid-19 on dentistry and dental teams, the important role of oral health in wider general health, innovation in the dental sector and issues impacting the dental profession itself – from mental health to recruitment.

Dentist at work wearing full PPE

I am particularly excited about the publication of our white paper as it comes at an interesting juncture for the dental profession and oral healthcare. The recent publication of the Government’s white paper Integration and Innovation, combined with the impact of Covid-19 on the health system, means that how healthcare is delivered and accessed is changing.


Largely absent from these discussions has been the role of dentistry. Based in local communities, with regular patient contact and possessing extensive clinical experience, dental practices have the potential to be an integral part of delivering a preventive model of healthcare to meet the needs of a changing population and society post-Covid. But this narrative is largely missing from current discussions in Westminster and Whitehall.


That’s why this white paper from Denplan is such an important and exciting opportunity to place private dentistry at the forefront of the debate about the future of healthcare and ensure the voice of private dental practices is no longer ignored.

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